Trying to learn how to braid your hair for a side part sew in? This is my all time favorite braid pattern for a side part sew in with no leave out!

The braids for a under sew in can make or break how long your sew in weave lasts, so it’s crucial to braid your hair down correctly for a good sew in install!
How to braid down your hair for a sew in:
- IMPORTANT: First test how much leave out you need by holding a track below your leave out and eyeing how much is needed to cover the track fully
- After you’ve sectioned out your leave out, braid cornrows going straight down around your head, each cornrow starting from the outer perimeter of your leave out
- Combine the ends of all of the braids and sew them down onto the cornrows or use a crochet latch hook to crochet the ends of the braids in between your cornrows
- Don’t forget to oil your scalp! It’ll be hard to reach after the sew in is installed (;
- Now that you have your braiding foundation, you’re ready to begin sewing!

And here’s a video of my braid pattern bellow so you can see it a bit more fully:
Now, that you’ve got the braid pattern down, you can learn more about the full weave installation process including the best way to sew the tracks onto your braids in my tutorial below!
Much love,
Seun <3